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Format of Resignation Letter of Internal Auditor of the Company

Internal audit is not only a statutory compulsion for selected categories of companies but also an important tool for all kinds of organizations to adopt in order to evaluate and improve many operational, managerial and governance aspects of the entities.

resignation letter format of internal auditor
Internal auditors advise on the internal financial control mechanisms to ensure orderly and efficient conduct of its day to day business affairs. Internal audits help in safeguarding the assets of the entity from fraud or pilferage.

Hereunder are specimens of resignation letters by the internal auditors of the company. Please modify it appropriately.


The Board of Directors
.............................. Limited
CIN: ...................................
(Full Address)

Sub.: Resignation as Internal Auditor of the Company

Dear Sirs/Madams,

This is to inform you that due to my preoccupation in other assignments, I hereby tender my resignation as Internal Auditor of the company with immediate effect and request you to accept my resignation.

I sincerely thank you for engaging me as the Internal Auditor of the company. I wish good luck to the company for its continued success and growth.

Kindly acknowledge the receipt.

Yours faithfully,

(Name of the CA)
Chartered Accountant
Memb. No. ...........

Date: ............
Place: ............


The Audit Committee /  The Board of Directors
................................................... Limited
CIN: .......................................
(Complete Address)

Sub.: Resignation as Internal Auditor of the Company

Dear Sirs/Madams,

We hereby tender our resignation as Internal Auditors of ............... Limited w.e.f. (Date) due to internal challenges within our firm and for no other reason.

We will complete the internal audit of your company and submit the report for the quarter ended (Date). Thereafter, we would like to discontinue our services as Internal Auditors.

We thank you for engaging us as the Internal Auditors for last ... years. We would also like to thank the senior management and other staff for the cooperation extended during our tenure.

You are requested to complete the applicable formalities under the Companies Act, 2013 in relation to this resignation.

We request you to kindly accept our resignation and acknowledge the same.

We wish the company all the success in the future and good luck.


For (Name of the Firm),
Chartered Accountants
Firm Regn. No. ............

(Name of the CA)
Memb. No. ...........

Date: ............
Place: ............
