The undermentioned data is based on statistics on number of companies as on 31st December, 2022 vs. 31st December, 2021.
Registered Companies
2022: The total number of companies registered in India as on 31st Dec, 2022 was 24,49,618.
2021: The total number of companies registered in India as on 31st Dec, 2021 was 22,76,448.
Active Companies
2022: Out of the total registered companies, active companies as on 31st Dec, 2022 was 15,06,341.
2021: Out of the total registered companies, active companies as on 31st Dec, 2021 was 14,44,572.
Closed Companies
2022: Out of the total registered companies as on 31st Dec, 2022:—
8,95,289 companies were closed,
2,463 companies were assigned dormant status as per the Companies Act, 2013;
7,101 were under liquidation;
38,424 companies were in the process of being struck-off.
2021: Out of the total registered companies as on 31st Dec, 2021:—
7,87,953 companies were closed,
2,355 companies were assigned dormant status as per the Companies Act, 2013;
7,014 were under liquidation;
34,554 companies were in the process of being struck-off.
One Person Companies (OPCs)
2022: As on 31st December, 2022, a total number of 44,699 OPCs were registered in India. During the month of December 2022, a total of 1,001 OPCs were registered.
2021: As on 31st December, 2021, a total number of 43,126 OPCs were registered in India. During the month of December, 2021, a total of 811 OPCs were registered.
Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs)
2022: As on 31st December, 2022, a total number of 2,65,616 LLPs were active in the country. During October to December 2022, a total of 10,715 LLPs were registered.
2021: As on 31st December, 2021, a total number of 2,32,829 LLPs were active in the country. During October to December 2021, a total of 12,355 LLPs were registered.
Foreign Companies
2022: As on 31st December, 2022, a total of 5,098 foreign companies were registered in India. Out of these foreign companies, 3,296 were active.
2021: As on 31st December, 2021, a total of 5,035 foreign companies were registered in India. Out of these foreign companies, 3,311 were active.
Active Companies Stats (States and Union Territories)
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Reference: MCA Info Bulletin
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