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Statistics on Number of Companies in India Dec 2022 vs 2021

The undermentioned data is based on statistics on number of companies as on 31st December, 2022 vs. 31st December, 2021.

Registered Companies

2022: The total number of companies registered in India as on 31st Dec, 2022 was 24,49,618.

2021: The total number of companies registered in India as on 31st Dec, 2021 was 22,76,448.

Active Companies

2022: Out of the total registered companies, active companies as on 31st Dec, 2022 was 15,06,341.

2021: Out of the total registered companies, active companies as on 31st Dec, 2021 was 14,44,572.

Closed Companies

2022: Out of the total registered companies as on 31st Dec, 2022:—
8,95,289 companies were closed,
2,463 companies were assigned dormant status as per the Companies Act, 2013;
7,101 were under liquidation;
38,424 companies were in the process of being struck-off.

2021: Out of the total registered companies as on 31st Dec, 2021:—
7,87,953 companies were closed,
2,355 companies were assigned dormant status as per the Companies Act, 2013;
7,014 were under liquidation;
34,554 companies were in the process of being struck-off.

One Person Companies (OPCs)

2022: As on 31st December, 2022, a total number of 44,699 OPCs were registered in India. During the month of December 2022, a total of 1,001 OPCs were registered.

2021: As on 31st December, 2021, a total number of 43,126 OPCs were registered in India. During the month of December, 2021, a total of 811 OPCs were registered.

Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs)

2022: As on 31st December, 2022, a total number of 2,65,616 LLPs were active in the country. During October to December 2022, a total of 10,715 LLPs were registered.

2021: As on 31st December, 2021, a total number of 2,32,829 LLPs were active in the country. During October to December 2021, a total of 12,355 LLPs were registered.

Foreign Companies

2022: As on 31st December, 2022, a total of 5,098 foreign companies were registered in India. Out of these foreign companies, 3,296 were active.

2021: As on 31st December, 2021, a total of 5,035 foreign companies were registered in India. Out of these foreign companies, 3,311 were active.

Active Companies Stats (States and Union Territories)

Statewise Companies Registered in India

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Reference: MCA Info Bulletin
