As on June 30, 2022, a total number of 23,66,549 companies were registered in India. Of which, a total of 14,81,069 (62.5%) were active companies. Here, active companies mean the companies who are actively filing annual forms with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), who are actively reporting their annual financial statements to the government.
State and UT wise Active Number of Companies as on June 30, 2022
Number STATE
288,951 Maharashtra
224,201 Delhi
133,891 West Bengal
111,366 Uttar Pradesh
101,083 Karnataka
97,291 Tamil Nadu
84,765 Telangana
79,460 Gujarat
51,655 Haryana
48,965 Rajasthan
46,094 Kerala
34,794 Bihar
33,365 Madhya Pradesh
26,416 Andhra Pradesh
22,762 Odisha
21,114 Punjab
14,514 Jharkhand
10,995 Assam
10,528 Chhattisgarh
9,109 Uttarakhand
7,972 Chandigarh
5,144 Jammu & Kashmir
5,002 Goa
4,829 Himachal Pradesh
1,604 Puducherry
1,300 Manipur
810 Tripura
715 Meghalaya
485 Dadra & Nagar Haveli
470 Arunachal Pradesh
442 Andaman & Nicobar
406 Nagaland
275 Daman and Diu
201 Mizoram
70 Leh and Ladakh
24 Lakshadweep
1 Sikkim
Misc. Stats
1. As on June 30, 2022, a total number of 45,447 One Person Companies (OPCs) were active in India. Their collective total Paid-up capital accounts for INR 604.76 Crore.
2. As on June 30, 2022, a total of 5,063 foreign companies were registered in India. Around 65% of them were Active.
3. As on June 30, 2022, a total of 70,432 Public Companies and 14,10,637 Private Companies were active in India.
4. As on June 30, 2022, a total of 6,756 Listed companies were there in India. Of which, 6,741 were public companies limited by shares and 15 were public companies limited by guarantee.
5. During June, 2022, 6 Government companies and 15,819 Non-Government companies were newly registered in India through online incorporation facility available at MCA portal.
Ref: MIB, MCA, June, 2022.
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