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Newspaper Publication of Notice of Board Meeting (Sample)

According to Regulation 29 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the listed entities are required to give prior intimation to the stock exchange about the meeting of the board of directors in which the financial results are due to be considered.
newspaper advertisement for intimation of board meeting

And, according to Regulation 47, the listed entities are required to publish the information in the newspaper regarding the notice of meeting of the board of directors where financial results are going to be discussed.

Here are the formats of newspaper advertisements for intimation of board meetings. Do modify as required.

(Audited financial results)

(Logo)    (Name of the Company)
Corporate Identity Number (CIN): ................
Registered Office: ..........................................
Telephone No.: ............ Website: ...................
Email Id: .........................................................


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Regulations 29 and 47 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, that a meeting of the Board of Directors of ................... Limited ("the Company") is scheduled to be held on, (Month), 20xx, at (Address), inter alia, to consider and approve the audited financial results (standalone and consolidated) of the Company for the quarter/ year ended March 31, 20xx and to recommend dividend, if any, on the equity shares of the Company for the financial year 20..-....

The above information can be viewed on the website of the Company at www........... as well as on the websites of the BSE Limited at www............ and the National Stock Exchange of India Limited at www...........

                         For ................. Limited,
Place: ...........               Sd/-
Date: ............   (Name of the Director/Officer)

(Unaudited financial results)

(Logo)    (Name of the Company)
Corporate Identity Number (CIN): ................
Registered Office: ..........................................
Telephone No.: ............ Website: ...................
Email Id: .........................................................


Pursuant to Regulation 47 read with 29 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of ................... Limited ("the Company") is scheduled to be held on, (Month), 20xx, at (City), to, inter alia, consider and approve the standalone and consolidated unaudited financial results of the Company for the quarter/ year ended March 31, 20xx.

The said notice may also be accessed on the website of the Company at www........... as well as on the websites of the stock exchanges at www............ and www...........

                         For ................. Limited,
Place: ...........               Sd/-
Date: ............   (Name of the Employee)

(Board meeting postponed and new meeting date notified)

(Logo)    (Name of the Company)
Corporate Identity Number (CIN): ................
Registered Office: ..........................................
Telephone No.: ............ Website: ...................
Email Id: .........................................................


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Regulations 29 and 47 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, that the meeting of the Board of Directors of ................... Limited ("the Company"), which was scheduled to be held on, (Month), 20xx at the Registered Office, inter alia, to consider and approve the audited financial results (standalone and consolidated) of the Company for the quarter and year ended March 31, 20.. and to recommend final dividend, if any, has been postponed due to unavoidable circumstances and now rescheduled to be held on, (Month), 20xx at the Registered Office.

The said notice may also be accessed on the website of the Company at www........... as well as on the websites of the stock exchanges at www............ and www...........

                         For ................. Limited,
Place: ...........   (Name of the Person)
Date: ............   (Designation)

(Board meeting rescheduled and new date intimated)

(Logo)    (Name of the Company)
Corporate Identity Number (CIN): ................
Registered Office: ..........................................
Telephone No.: ............ Website: ...................
Email Id: .........................................................


In furtherance to our notice dated ............. intimating about the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company scheduled to be held on, (Month), 20xx, we hereby inform you that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company stands rescheduled to, (Month), 20xx, to, inter alia, consider and approve the audited standalone and consolidated financial results of the Company for the ....... quarter of the financial year 20..-.. ended on (Date) as per Regulations 29, 33 & 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

The abovementioned notice may also be accessed on the Company's website at www........... as well as on the websites of the stock exchanges at www............ and www...........

                         For ................. Limited,
Place: ...........   (Name of the Person)
Date: ............   (Designation)

(Board meeting postponed, but no new date notified)

(Logo)    (Name of the Company)
Corporate Identity Number (CIN): ................
Registered Office: ..........................................
Telephone No.: ............ Website: ...................
Email Id: .........................................................


This is to inform that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company scheduled to be held on, (Month), 20xx for consideration and approval of the audited financial results of the Company for the ....... quarter of the financial year 20..-.. ended on (Date) has been postponed due to unavoidable circumstances. The revised date of the board meeting will be intimated in due course.

The notice of the said meeting may also be accessed on the Company's website at www........... as well as on the websites of the stock exchanges at www............ and www...........

                         By Order of the Board of Directors,
Place: ...........   (Name of the Person)
Date: ............   (Designation)
