Now-a-days Aadhaar is being used as a more valuable proof of identity, address proof and date of birth. You can also use Aadhaar for electronic know your customer (e-KYC) or electronic signature (e-KYC). Government of India allows Aadhaar e-KYC to citizens to sign and documents remotely. For a new PAN card e-KYC process, a valid Aadhaar card is required, which has all the correct information and active mobile number is needed. If in an applicant's Aadhaar card does not have correct information than he should have updated first his Aadhaar than the e-KYC process of new PAN card will start.
What is a PAN?
As you all you know very well PAN card is an essential documentary proof for a financial transaction viz. bank accounts opening, debit or credit card application, etc.
PAN has ten digits of alphanumeric combination. PAN card is issued by Income-tax department of Ministry of Finance, Govt of India, to citizens of India, other qualified persons, various entities, Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), trusts, etc.
In the past, for getting PAN, the applicant had to file offline forms (49 form for residential Individual) specified by the IT department and attached with it some required and supporting documents like Identity proof, date of birth, address, etc. But now, here is good news for all PAN applicants. Now the applicant can apply PAN online. Go on the NSDL website and complete all the steps and submit the form then you will receive an acknowledge receipt number.
One thing you should keep in mind while applying for Pan Card, you are compulsorily required to provide your Aadhar details. If you are not familiar with the NSDL then you can use for Pan Card Apply Online which is more simplified portal for Pan Card Online.
What is PAN e-KYC?
In e-KYC, applicant's Aadhar information is used to verify applicant's details. The main purpose of e-KYC is to avoid the use of paper to be printed during the whole process of application.
The Aadhar details viz. name, address, photo, signature, etc are automatically seeded and thereby the applicant does not require to do this process during the application again.
You can use e-KYC or e-sign method when your mobile/ email is linked with Aadhaar as you will be required to undergo the Aadhaar authentication process.
Even these days most of the services like Udyog Aadhar or GST Registration are enabled the ekyc technology where user authentic by way of aadhar card.
In the case of a minor, HUF or where a representative assesses is appointed, the e-KYC and e-sign facility is not allowed.
What is a PAN?
As you all you know very well PAN card is an essential documentary proof for a financial transaction viz. bank accounts opening, debit or credit card application, etc.
PAN has ten digits of alphanumeric combination. PAN card is issued by Income-tax department of Ministry of Finance, Govt of India, to citizens of India, other qualified persons, various entities, Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), trusts, etc.
In the past, for getting PAN, the applicant had to file offline forms (49 form for residential Individual) specified by the IT department and attached with it some required and supporting documents like Identity proof, date of birth, address, etc. But now, here is good news for all PAN applicants. Now the applicant can apply PAN online. Go on the NSDL website and complete all the steps and submit the form then you will receive an acknowledge receipt number.
One thing you should keep in mind while applying for Pan Card, you are compulsorily required to provide your Aadhar details. If you are not familiar with the NSDL then you can use for Pan Card Apply Online which is more simplified portal for Pan Card Online.
What is PAN e-KYC?
In e-KYC, applicant's Aadhar information is used to verify applicant's details. The main purpose of e-KYC is to avoid the use of paper to be printed during the whole process of application.
The Aadhar details viz. name, address, photo, signature, etc are automatically seeded and thereby the applicant does not require to do this process during the application again.
You can use e-KYC or e-sign method when your mobile/ email is linked with Aadhaar as you will be required to undergo the Aadhaar authentication process.
Even these days most of the services like Udyog Aadhar or GST Registration are enabled the ekyc technology where user authentic by way of aadhar card.
In the case of a minor, HUF or where a representative assesses is appointed, the e-KYC and e-sign facility is not allowed.
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