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Request Letter for Change of Company Name in Bank Account

This is the template of a covering letter from the company to its banker, wherein the company is requesting the bank to change the name of the company in the records of the bank for the account of the company maintained with that bank.

Request Letter for Change of Company Name in Bank AccountThe letter has to be printed on the letterhead of the company and will be submitted to the bank duly signed along with supporting documents as evidence of the name change.


Ref: ...................
Date: ..................

The Branch Manager
.................... Bank
.................... Branch

Sub.: Change of Name of the Company

Dear Sir/Madam,

With reference to the captioned subject, we would like to inform you that the Name of our Company has been changed from .................. Limited to .................. Limited by a resolution approved by the Board of Directors and the Shareholders of the company in their meetings dated ................. and .................. respectively. The name change has also been approved by Central Govt by an order dated .................. The change is effective from (Date). A fresh Certificate of Incorporation has been issued to the company by the Registrar of Companies, ................

As the name of the company has been changed, we request you to kindly update the same and change the name of the current account of the company bearing no. ......................... to '............... Limited'.

Please find enclosed the following documents for your records:
1. Certified true copy of the board resolution dated .................
2. Certified true copy of the general meeting resolution dated .................
3. A true copy of the new certificate of incorporation of the company.

Kindly do the needful and oblige.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For ................... Limited,

(Name of the Authorised Signatory)

Encl.: As above


  1. Thank you sir. Very helpful it is.

  2. Please send me card Swipe machine name change format

  3. Anonymous06 May, 2022

    Please send letter format to change company name in bank account


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