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Format of Minutes of Statutory Meeting of the Company

The concept of 'statutory meeting' was there under the erstwhile Companies Act, 1956.

Under the new Companies Act, 2013, there is no requirement of statutory meeting by a newly incorporated company.

A Template of the minutes of the Statutory meeting of a Company is given hereunder:

draft minutes of statutory meeting

MINUTES OF THE STATUTORY MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF (Company Name) HELD AT THE REGISTERED OFFICE OF THE COMPANY AT ........(address)..... ON .......(day) THE ....TH  DAY OF .....(month)....., .......(year) AT .......(time)....A.M./P.M.

Directors Present:
1. Mr. H     -           Chairman
2. Mr. T     -           Director
3. Mr. O     -           Director

In Attendance:
Mr. U        -           Company Secretary

Mr. K        -           Partner, F & T Associates, Chartered Accountants
Mr. D        -           General Manager - Finance

Members / Proxies:
Members present in person: 10
Proxies present: 5

Mr. H, Chairman of the Meeting, took the chair. The Chairman extended a warm and hearty welcome to shareholders present at the Statutory Meeting of the Company.

The Chairman after confirming that the requisite quorum as present called the meeting to order.

Notice of Statutory Meeting:
The Chairman stated that with the permission of the members present, the Notice of Meeting with the explanatory statement annexed thereto, which has already been circulated to them, may be taken as read. The Members consented to it and Notice convening the Statutory Meeting was taken as read.

Statutory Report:
The Chairman then requested the Company Secretary to read the Statutory Report. The Statutory Report was then read out by the Company Secretary.

The Meeting then took up for consideration the items on the Agenda :

Item No.1: Adoption of Statutory Report

The Chairman, then, proposed the following resolution.
This was seconded by Mr. YT, a member.

“RESOLVED THAT the copy of Statutory Report as annexed with the notice and duly certified by the directors and auditors of the company as required under the Companies Act, 1956 be and is hereby approved. 

FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Mr. X, Company Secretary or Mr. Y, Director be and are hereby severally authorised to file copy of the Statutory Report with the Registrar of Companies”.

The Chairman put the motion to vote on a show of hands and declared the same carried unanimously.

Item No.2: To discuss any matter relating to the formation of the company or arising out of the statutory report.

The Chairman invited, from the members, any clarification on the Statutory Report of the Company or the formation of the Company.

Thereafter several members participated in discussion and put forth their queries. The Chairman replied suitably to the questions being asked.

Vote of Thanks:

With all the items on the agenda being transacted, the chairman thanked the members for making it convenient to attend the Statutory Meeting.

Thereafter, the Chairman declared the meeting as concluded.

Place:                                                                          Mr. H
Date:                                                                           Chairman
